Lab/School Visit

The Columbia Outreach program arranges for school visits, where Columbia University engineering professors go to schools and present their personal lives and their work. The Outreach program also arranges for lab visits, where students come to Columbia University's campus and take lab tours of different labs on campus. 

Engineering Speaks

Engineering Speaks gives engineers from Columbia the opportunity to speak directly to students in local schools.Typically engineers tell a “life story” and explain their personal path, including passions, education, current work, etc. 


Inside Engineering

Inside Engineering invites school groups into Columbia Engineering labs to show students what engineering looks like in practice.Seeing lab equipment, work spaces, and engineers working on high-level problems is an exceptional opportunity for students. Moreover, this program uniquely offers access to students who would not otherwise see academic research.



Sci-Inspire works with Columbia Engineering to connect volunteers with local K-12 schools. This school-based program supports STEM education and collaborates with other student groups on campus to train volunteers for educational and outreach activities, as well as to screen (fingerprint) them in compliance with the NYC DoE.