Home 2019

Get Involved

There are countless opportunities and programs available depending on what you are looking for and who you are.

We offer resources for K-12 students, K-12 teachers, parents of K-12 students, Columbia University Students, and Columbia University Faculty (I am...). 

We also offer the following opportunities: jobs, summer programs, lab/school visits, volunteering opportunities, and broader impacts for grants (I am looking for...).  

Featured Program: SHAPE

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Our goal is to equip today’s young scholars with the necessary skills to become tomorrow’s engineering leaders.

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Application & Eligibility

SHAPE is for current high school students, who are expected to excel academically and to have demonstrated STEM interest. 

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Courses and Programs

SHAPE will offer courses, electives, and college preparation workshops

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Interest Form

Please join our email list to be notified when the next application cycle opens. 

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Frequently asked questions on application, courses, programs, and tuition.

Get Involved

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We collaborate with faculty who are developing research proposals, especially National Science Foundation applications

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Columbia Students

We support Columbia students who volunteer their time, passion, and content knowledge to inspire young STEM learners in the local neighborhood.

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K-12 Students and Educators

We connect local K-12 students and educators with the world-class STEM resources at Columbia Engineering.